Industry Leading Learning
& Development Software

Operational compliance system that digitises all of your L&D requirements. Save time and money using our expansive range of modules to become more efficient!

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Trusted by industry leaders





Centralised employee training

Manage all training aspects for your entire workforce, including agency and temporary staff, in one easy to use system.

Digitize your training with ease

Remove the need for physical paperwork with our digital sign off for OSHA Documents , training, policies, briefs and more. Locate and view specific records with ease instead of searching through vast paper versions and archives to obtain the information you need.

Real-time compliance analysis

See a full matrix of your workforces skills ensuring optimal task allocation based on their completed training. Analyze training gaps to ensure all members of your workforce have the knowledge they require. Stay ahead of compliance with our detailed compliance report, offering a clear snapshot of compliance levels across the site. Through the reporting suite evaluate completed training for an overview of cost saving and resource optimization.

Automate and benchmark your training progress

Receive prompts and notifications when training renewals are due. The software can create and schedule refreshers automatically at any interval for upcoming expiries and over due refreshers.


‘‘Having these vital tools electronically has saved vast amounts of time and money from all areas within the operational training team’’

Toni Mitchell-Taylor, GXO Logistics

One home for your training and compliance needs in logistics & warehousing

Empower your team to find, share and harness the knowledge needed to achieve their goals

Our Pricing Plans

From a pricing structure we base it on a site or store size, we don’t base it on user access.

  • Custom Storage
  • Access to all features
  • Custom Users
  • 24/7 Analytics
Small Business
$568 /month
Medium Business
$748 /month
$-- /month

What sets us apart from our competitors?

White-labelled software

We will fully brand the software to your needs. It is important that your brand is recognised within your organisation and the teams using this so its familiar and seamless to their processes.

Cross-device compatibility

This is a web application therefore is compatible with all devices – mobile, tablet, or computer. It reacts responsively to ensure a seamless user experience, regardless of your preferred device. Enjoy consistent accessibility and convenience wherever you go with our versatile platform.


With our application, professional auditing can be completed remotely, saving both the site and auditors time by eliminating the need to search through paper and archives.

Site-based resource allocation & backups

Customise the software to run with your sites processes. There are many bespoke modules to control your sites resources. For peace of mind your records are backed up every day.

Specialty development

If you require some bespoke development or consultancy for your site we are here to help! It might be an integration to another API or something completely unique.

24/7 analytics & user-led data learning

We monitor all UI usage and learn from the way you use the software to help speed up your processes and improve your L&D training processes.

Ready to maximise your warehouse efficiency and coverage of the training and compliance in your warehouse?

Fill in the form below and one of our dedicated team members will be in touch to assist with your questions.